Pineapple Chunk (AAA)

(2 customer reviews)


Pineapple Chunk, bred by Barney’s Farm, is an indica-leaning hybrid that induces heavy full-body effects and a fast-paced head buzz. This THC-rich strain combines a Cheese and Skunk #1 cross with Barney’s Pineapple, and you can almost smell its lineage through sour notes of tangy skunk, earthy cheese, and sweet pineapple. Optimally, Pineapple Chunk will deliver a small dose of CBD with its crushing THC content, resulting in powerful painkilling and stress-relieving properties. Some report a racing jolt of cerebral energy with Pineapple Chunk, so this may not be the best strain for treating sleeplessness or anxiety. Pineapple Chunk plants are resistant to mold and disease, and flower in 55 days indoors.

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