Shroomies | Magic Mushroom Edibles | Gummy Bears | 1000mg

(1 customer review)

Original price was: $16.00.Current price is: $13.60.

Recommended dosage:

– One to two pieces of gummies

Note: Please allow up to 45 minutes for initial effects to begin before increasing dosage. These gummies will last a year if stored in a cool place or indefinitely if stored in the freezer.

Contains: 2 x 500mg per gummy bear for a total of 1000mg per package.

Ingredients: Sugar, Gelatin, Corn Syrup, Citric Acid, Natural & Artificial Flavours, Artificial Colour, Soy Lecithin | Active Ingredients: Psilocybin Mushroom (Golden Teacher)

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  • Packages will be shipped based on the time when Payment is received NOT when order is placed.
  • Orders with Payment received between 12am PST – 12pm PST (midnight to noon) will be shipped the Same Business Day.
  • Orders with Payment received After 12pm PST (noon) will be shipped the Next Business Day.
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