Purple Kush | Indica | Sugar Diamonds


Cannabis Sugar Diamonds are a highly prized cannabis concentrate known for their crystalline, sugar-like appearance and exceptional potency. This unique concentrate is a combination of THCa crystals suspended in a rich, terpene-infused sauce, offering a full-spectrum cannabis experience that highlights the true essence of the cannabis plant. Sugar Diamonds are celebrated for their intense flavor, powerful effects, and the perfect balance between cannabinoids and terpenes. Whether you’re a seasoned cannabis enthusiast or a connoisseur, Sugar Diamonds provide a potent and flavorful experience that is unmatched in the world of concentrates.

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  • FREE Shipping for orders of $150 or more
  • Orders will take about 2-5 business days to arrive after Canada Post has received the package *assuming no delays from Canada Post*
  • Packages will be shipped based on the time when Payment is received NOT when order is placed.
  • Orders with Payment received between 12am PST – 12pm PST (midnight to noon) will be shipped the Same Business Day.
  • Orders with Payment received After 12pm PST (noon) will be shipped the Next Business Day.
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