A fresh and fragrant drop from the Hash Man: Pakistan Delight Black Gold Hash.
This torn-end high-quality Pakistan Delight Black Gold Imported Hashish Block is sourced from one of the world’s largest producers, Pakistan, where much of the cannabis is grown in neighbouring Afghanistan. It’s mainly in the mountainous northern regions which have an ideal climate and where its production plays a crucial role in the local economy.
Their hash (hashish) is secretly everywhere in and around Pakistan. This premium product is a step above their Gold Seal hashish (the most popular hash they’ve ever received). Made from small, bushy indica plants, typically a short and stubby Kush, the hash is carefully hand-pressed with a small amount of tea or water. The producers of this hash are passionate and take no shortcuts, upholding decades of tradition in creating this product.
skaterzack15 –
For the price its pretty good, gets you nice and stoned