Mazar Sharif | Afghan Imported | Hash

(1 customer review)


Mazar Sharif Hash is grown around desert towns of Balkh and mostly prosper the best in well-irrigated soil and can reach up to 4 meters in height. Additionally, the Mazar Sharif Hash products produce high yields of intensely resinous flowers, and the plants used for the hash production are said to be bushy and small. You can purchase these products online and other related products from our site.

Features of Mazar Sharif Hash

  • Greenish brown in colour
  • It comes in a soft and malleable consistency and, as a result, should be stored in a cool, dry place.
  • It has a sweet and herbal smell.
  • Their characteristics traits are they have red stems and stigmas.
  • Mild spicey taste
  • The effects are cerebral, intense body high, hunger, tingly, and relaxed feeling.
  • It packs five different flavors, and they include Woody, Flowery, Spicy, Pine, and Sweet.
  • The strain can relieve various symptoms such as Stress, Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety, Crohn’s Disease, and even appetite loss.

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  • Packages will be shipped based on the time when Payment is received NOT when order is placed.
  • Orders with Payment received between 12am PST – 12pm PST (midnight to noon) will be shipped the Same Business Day.
  • Orders with Payment received After 12pm PST (noon) will be shipped the Next Business Day.
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