Haze, also known as “Original Haze,” “OG Haze,” “Haze OG,” and “Haze Brothers,” is a sativa marijuana strain. This strain provides high-energy and creative effects. Haze first took root in Santa Cruz, California during the 1960s where long growing seasons accommodated her lengthy flowering cycle. Since then, Haze has become the proud parent of countless hybrids around the globe, passing on its genetics from Colombia, Mexico, Thailand, and South India. Haze’s aroma is typically characterized by a spicy scent accented by hints of citrus and earthy sweetness.
Haze | A | Sativa
$6.99 – $69.99
Batch Information:
- THC: 11-13%
- CBD: 0-1%
- Nug Size: 2.8/5 (5 being the biggest relative to all of our dried flower inventory)
- Smell: Average smell – spicy/herbal, pepper, earthy
- Stickiness: Below average stickiness
- Bud appearance: Little bit of crystals covering the small-mid sized buds, brownish green in colour with medium green leaves
- Trim: Average trim – has leaves
- Dryness/feel: Dried well – soft on squeeze
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- Orders will take about 2-5 business days to arrive after Canada Post has received the package *assuming no delays from Canada Post*
- Packages will be shipped based on the time when Payment is received NOT when order is placed.
- Orders with Payment received between 12am PST – 12pm PST (midnight to noon) will be shipped the Same Business Day.
- Orders with Payment received After 12pm PST (noon) will be shipped the Next Business Day.
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