Hawaiian (AAA)


Laughing Buddha is an award-winning sativa (2003 High Times Cannabis Cup) from Barney’s Farm that grows fast and tall. An earthy cross between Thai and Jamaican strains with a sweet, fruity smell that is broken up by hints of spice and provides a rich pungent smoke that will leave consumers feeling happy, upbeat, and will leave them giggling even when battling depression. The oversized colas often need pruning and extra support, but the added work pays off come harvest time when full, frosty buds cover almost the entire plant.

Earn up to 384 Points.

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  • Packages will be shipped based on the time when Payment is received NOT when order is placed.
  • Orders with Payment received between 12am PST – 12pm PST (midnight to noon) will be shipped the Same Business Day.
  • Orders with Payment received After 12pm PST (noon) will be shipped the Next Business Day.
SKU: 109356 Categories: ,
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